Cyokeratin 19 is a key cytoskeletal protein in endothelial cells. CK19 is released by colorectal and breast cancer cells. The presence of CK19-releasing cells has been correlated with metastasis.
Target: Cytokeratin 19 (CK-19)
Target Species: human
Target Type: protein
Affinity Constant (Kd): 63.7 nM
Default 3" Linker (Spacer) is 10T. Please submit a custom quote request for other options.
(hu) 0.1uM synthesis scale (20-200ug)
Please choose your modification and add as an extra catalogue number:
ATWUNMOD - Unmodified
ATWAMINE - Amine modification
ATWBIOTIN - Biotin modification
ATWTHIOL - Thiol modification (extra charge)
ATWFLUOR - Fluor (all) modification (extra charge)
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