Glutathione S-Transferase pi 1, GSTP1, is a metabolic enzyme involved in detoxification. It protects cells from cytotoxic and carconogenic agents. GSTP1 is expressed in normal tissues. Reduced GSTP1 expression due to hypermethylation of the GSTP1 gene promotor has been demonstrated in many types of cancer.
Target: GSTP1 (Glutathione S-Transferase 1)
Target Species: human
Target Type: protein
Affinity Constant (Kd): 44.8 nM
Default 3" Linker (Spacer) is 10T. Please submit a custom quote request for other options.
(hu) 0.1uM synthesis scale (20-200ug)
Please choose your modification and add as an extra catalogue number:
ATWUNMOD - Unmodified
ATWAMINE - Amine modification
ATWBIOTIN - Biotin modification
ATWTHIOL - Thiol modification (extra charge)
ATWFLUOR - Fluor (all) modification (extra charge)
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