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商品详细Cambio/Avalanche-in vivo Transfection Reagent/EZT-VIVO-1-200
Cambio/Avalanche-in vivo Transfection Reagent/EZT-VIVO-1-200
Cambio/Avalanche-in vivo Transfection Reagent/EZT-VIVO-1-200
商品编号: EZT-VIVO-1-200
品牌: Cambio
市场价: ¥0.00
美元价: 0.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 其他
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com


Avalanche®-in vivo Transfection Reagent is extremely powerful for gene functional studies and RNA interference in vivo. This reagent was made by our proprietary formula which interacts with nucleic acids, and move into cells via endocytosis. In addition to efficiently transporting nucleic acids into the cells, the formula is also able to lead to the protection of the nucleic acids from lysosomal degradation and the efficient release of those nucleic acids from lysosomes to ensure maximum function. Avalanche®-in vivo has been proven to be able to perform the maximum delivery of DNA, shRNA, siRNA, or oligonucleotides into different organs in the body. No significant pro-inflammatory responses have been detected using this reagent. Avalanche®-in vivo  can be administered via various routes, such as intravenous, intraperitoneal, intratumoral injection, etc. Avalanche®-in vivo Transfection Reagent is the best choice for delivering nucleic acids in vivo.


  • Efficient delivery of DNA, shRNA, siRNA or oligonucleotides in vivo
  • 200 µl reagent for 20 transfections in mouse
  • Efficient delivery to the lung, liver, kidney, and spleen, liver, pancreas and certain type of tumor via systemic administration 
  • Delivery via Multiple modes of administration in many species
  • Avalanche®-in vivo/nucleic acid conjugated complexes are stable in serum for 16h
  • No detectable inflammatory responses
  • Efficient siRNA and plasmid DNA delivery via direct subcutaneous tumor injection (multiple tumor types)
  • Reproducible results
  • Applicable for plasmid DNA/siRNA co-injection
  • Developed and manufactured by EZ Biosystems LLC



Figure 1. Avalanche®-in vivo Transfection Reagent performs high transfection efficiency in vivo. (A). Avalanche®-in vivo Transfection Reagent successfuly delivered EGFP expression vectors into diffeent organs via systemic administration (tail vein). 48 hours post transfection, different organs were harvested. Frozen sections revealed EGFP positive cells. DAPI was used to stain nucleus. (B)In vivo RNAi test: Systemic administration (i.v.) of Avalanche®-in vivo Transfection Reagent conjugated with siRNA targeting PPARa mRNA or non-silencing control siRNA (30 µg/mouse) following the recommended protocol. Liver was collected and RNA isolated 24 hours after first injection. Samples were analyzed by qRT-PCR for PPARa mRNA expression levels. Ribosomal RNA levels were used to normalize the PPARa mRNA data. Data are means/- SD (n=6).
Figure 2. Co-transfection application: RNA interference in organs of mice after transfection of siRNA using Avalanche®-in vivo Transfection Reagent. Mice were co-injected with the pGL3 control vector and pRL-SV40 plasmids (Promega) alone or together with siRNAs. The two plasmids contain genes of P. pyralis luciferase(Pp-luc ) and R. reniformis luciferase (Rr-luc) respectively. In all cases, the ratio of Pp-lucto Rr-luc activities was calculated to compensate for differences in transfection efficiencies between mice. The ratios were then normalized to those observed in mice receiving no siRNA. Blue bars, red bars, and green bars indicate normalized Pp-luc /Rr-luc activity ratios in mice receiving plasmids only, in controls co-injected with siRNA-EGFP, and in those co-injected with siRNA-lucrespectively (References method: Lewis et al., Nature Genetics 32: 107-8, 2002, but used Avalanche®-in vivo Transfection Reagent for transfection).

Figure 3. Avalanche®-in vivo does not cause any significant pro-inflammatory responses: Serum concentration of TNF-a, IL12/IL23, IFNr and IL6 following intravenous nucleic acid delivery using Avalanche®-in vivo Transfection Reagent 6 h after delivery. The negative control consists of an IV injection of 5% glucose; the positive control an IP injection of 50 µg LPS. 40 µg DNA and 40 µg siRNA were delivered with or without Avalanche®-in vivo Transfection Reagent.


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CambioCambio成立于1985年,是一家私人控股的英国公司,在为大学,大型制药,生物技术,政府机构,农业组织和环境设施的科研实验室提供优质分子生物学试剂和消耗品方面享有盛誉。Established in 1985, Cambio is a privately held UK company with an excellent reputation for the supply of quality Molecular Biology reagents and consumables to scientific research laboratories within universities, large pharma, biotechs, government agencies, agricultural organisations and environmental facilities.产品列表:No.品牌货号名称规格1cambioCA-1188A2-01 RRUCL2Anti Human Collagenase, monoclonal mouse0.1mg2cambioCA-1188-BS1Anti Human TIMP-1, polyclonal Rabbit0.1mg3cambioCA-1012Anti Streptokinase, polyclonal sheep1ml4cambioCA-605Anti Human Urokinase, polyclonal goat1ml5cambioCA-1046A c-terminusAnti Human Interleukin 5, polyclonal rabbit1ml6cambioCA-1075A c-terminusAnti Human Dopamine D2-3 Receptor, polyclonal rabbit1ml7cambioCA-1119Anti Human Cystic Fibrosis Protein, polyclonal rabbit1ml8cambioCA-1511BAnti MMP9 (Gelatinase B), polyclonal rabbit1 ml9cambioCA-972-FHuman Placental DNA (intact genomic) 1mg 10cambioCA-972-MHuman Placental DNA (intact genomic)1mg 11cambioCA-972-06Human Genomic DNA (sonicated)100mg12cambioPM-1025-01Alkaline Phosphatase1,000U13cambioPM-1025-02Alkaline Phosphatase5000U14cambioCA-972-FHuman Placental DNA (intact genomic)1mg15cambioCA-972-MHuman Placental DNA (intact genomic)1mg