AquaScreen® is an in vitro test system for the qualitative and/or quantitative detection of water pathogens like Legionella pneumophila and Legionella species.
* AquaScreen® combines a sample preparation module with PCR analysis. The system allows highly sensitive analysis of water samples.
The supplied primer set is specific for a segment of the 16S rRNA region of the legionella genome. When using the Legionella spp. detection kit for conventional PCR, the amplified PCR product is 244 bp long and can be rendered visible directly in the agarose gel. The conventional PCR internal control amplicon is 150 bp in size. The real-time PCR variant is designed such that the specific target probe fluoresces at 520 nm. The real-time PCR internal control is detected by another probe emitting fluorescent light at 600 nm.
Clinically relevant species that are detected include L. pneumophila SG 1-14 and SG 16, L. long-beachae, L. dumoffii, L. bozemanii, L. gormanii, L. anisa, L. cherrii, L. parisiensis, L. tucsonensis, L. wadsworthii.
- primer sets and nucleotides at optimized concentrations
- positive and internal control for easy result verification
- instruction manual
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